
Monday, 6 May 2013

Is Penis Enlargement Possible? Separating Fact From Fiction

Is penis enlargement a myth or is it really possible?
The truth is penis enlargement is possible by simply undergoing a surgical procedure called phalloplasty. A third of the true penis length is not visible and is hidden beneath the pubic bone. By cutting certain ligaments
surgeons can allow further extension of the penile bone enabling it to protrude further out from the body.
Phalloplasty can be expensive and carries certain unnecessary risks which is best avoided. Permanent damage resulting from surgery, although having a low incidence rate, is generally non reversible. In a study by the St Peters Andrology Centre London, the dissatisfaction rate among men who had surgery was as high as 70 percent.
The possibility of penis enlargement by non surgical means is the concept raising questions. As no proper documented long-term large-scale study has been undertaken, there remains a certain skepticism as to whether these methods work or not.
There are many non surgical methods that claim to be able to enlarge your penis, such as patches, pills, creams, traction-devices, weights, and jelqing exercises. As most men want to enlarge their penises and want to enlarge it without surgery, the growing demand for such products has created the niche market of penis enlargement with the majority of products only available to purchase over the Internet.
The truth is, would these products still be around for all these years if they didn't work? why would hundreds and thousands of men claim to have increased their penis size? Surely not all of them will be lying? By the way, I watched a review of some of these products on one of those weird late night sex programs, and some of them worked. These are the kinds of questions you should be asking yourself when questioning the effectiveness of these kinds of products.
If you want to try a non surgical penis enlargement method, you have to bear one thing in mind. All the merchants promoting their penis enlarging brands will have a tendency to over-exaggerate the miracle results they promise. But this is the same with any other products that claim to enhance a physical appearance; from cosmetics and beauty products, to hair products, to exercise devices to enhance abs and chest muscles. Over-exaggeration of results is a marketing concept designed to get more people to buy.
So anyone who claims you can increase your penis size 3 inches in 4 weeks is clearly over-exaggerating and lying. Once you understand this, you are one step closer to enlarging your penis.

Sunday, 5 May 2013

Penis Enlargement Pills and Their Alternatives

The penis enlargement industry constantly grows and gains more popularity. Men are extremely conscientious of size of their penis: its small size makes them lose their confidence and look for a solution on the market. Thus, more and more men turn to the penis enlargement industry.
Many manufacturers advertise their services and products as some sort of panacea, promising customers to solve their problem in an unbelievably short period of time. Therefore, it is of crucial importance to be able to tell false products and methods from right and effective.
One of the first things you want to remember if you are looking for the right penis enlargement product is as follows: do not trust miracle penis enhancement pills! Just to know that FDA does not check and approve them should suffice.
Accordingly, you cannot be sure about the exact ingredients of the substance you are taking, which may lead to serious health problems. Thus, they are nothing but a hoax that will provide you with vitamins at the best as they may be a tool to cause a simple placebo effect.
The entire penis enlargement pill issue becomes even more complicated since nobody is willing to testify against manufacturers of this phony product and thus put a bit more pressure on the government and force it to make some steps toward regulating this industry.
Penis enlargement pills usually contain nothing more than vitamins, herbs, minerals and maybe testosterone. It is true that testosterone may accelerate puberty in young boys; yet, there is no scientific evidence that would prove that testosterone can help enlarge the penis of adults either lengthwise or widthwise. Needless to say, the same concerns other products of this type: lotions, patches, creams, ointments, and so on.
Some men ask the question: Is it possible to enlarge the penis without help from pills? Yes, it is possible; however, effective methods and products require a bit more work, commitment and patience than just taking a pill. For example, penis exercises are truly safe and they can yield remarkable results whether performed separately or in combination with penis enhancement devices.
Men have always been concerned about the size of their manhood pretty much like women with their breasts; well, maybe even more to tell the truth. It is very unlikely that this centuries-old issue will disappear any time soon. Yet, before jumping into conclusions about the size of our penis, we should make sure we really need help and it is not just our imagination and male ego, since the recent researches showed that the average size of the penis ranges between 5 and 7 inches in erect.
Official medicine certifies a penis as abnormal only when it is less than 3 inches in erect. There are a number of documented research cases that prove that men with such small penises are perfectly capable of having normal sex life and even father children.
On the other hand, we must admit that just having sex and fathering children is not enough; we want to please our partner, while making sure that the penis size is not an issue and does not cause anxiety and discomfort.

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

The Best Ways to Cure Premature Ejaculation

The most common sexual problem in men is premature ejaculation, rapid ejaculation, premature climax, early ejaculation, or by the Latin term ejaculatio praecox. A person is said to suffers from premature ejaculation if he ejaculates before his partner achieves orgasm in more than fifty percent of his sexual encounters. Premature ejaculation affects 25%-40% of men. Premature ejaculation is characterized by a lack of voluntary control over ejaculation.
Sex researchers have defined premature ejaculation as occurring if the man ejaculates within two minutes or less of penetration. The definition, however, is not that straightforward. Once thought to be purely psychological, experts now know that biological factors also play an important role in premature ejaculation and that in some men; premature ejaculation is also related to erectile dysfunction. A survey conducted by Doctor Alfred Kinsey in the 1950s demonstrated that three quarters of men ejaculated within two minutes of penetration in over half of their sexual encounters. The good news is that premature ejaculation cures are available everywhere you look, but making an informed decision is the most important thing when choosing a method for premature ejaculation. Today, most sex therapists understand premature ejaculation as occurring when a lack of ejaculatory control interferes with sexual or emotional well-being in one or both partners.
A very simple way to delay Premature Ejaculation is the squeeze technique. The squeeze technique involves halting stimulation just before orgasm. You or your partner places a thumb on the frenulum (the connecting skin at the tip and right under the head of the penis) and applies pressure to the head of the penis with the other fingers. Hold the squeeze until the urge to ejaculate subsides. Then you can go on having sex and repeat the process until you actually want to ejaculate.

Most of the men suffering from premature ejaculation will greatly benefit from reducing the stimulation they experience during sex and there are already a number of creams available on the market to help reducing premature ejaculation. These creams can partially anesthetize the penis and reduce the stimulation that leads to orgasm. Another option is to use one or more condoms. However, these techniques may interfere with the pleasure experienced during sex and so defeat the purpose of this technique.
The stop technique for premature ejaculation is very similar to the squeeze technique because it involves reaching the point of orgasm and then halting the whole thing. The stop technique requires only that stimulation stop. Stop technique for premature ejaculation does not need applying of pressure to any part of penis. After the stimulation has stopped and the urge to orgasm fades, resume sex and repeat the process. But these techniques takes a good control and concentration to hold back premature ejaculation.
Another thing you can try is erectile dysfunction exercises. Most men overlook this muscle and never bother to keep it in shape, yet by learning to control it, you can rid yourself of premature ejaculation and learn to ejaculate when and only when you want to. These exercises are meant to train your pubococcygeus muscle, which is the very muscle that controls ejaculation and urination.
The bottom line that the best way to cure premature ejaculation is the one that works for you. See a therapist, try nutritional supplements or try exercises to gain more control. Aside from being the most frequent male sexual disorder, premature ejaculation is also the most likely to be treated in a relatively short period of time and with very little inconvenience to you or your partner.
The method that worked in curing my premature ejaculation was provided by Dr. Natasha Terry. Dr. Natasha Terry is the leading authority in Penis related issues, premature ejaculation and certified clinical sexologist. I suggest going through the articles, videos and pictures related to premature ejaculation, Penis Enlargement and other penis related issues at her web site []
Hi, My name is Joe Froch, I was suffering with premature ejaculation. My consulting doctor was Dr. Natasha Terry. With her help my issue with Dr. Natasha Terry has been resolved and I am sharing my experience with all.

Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Penis Enlargement - All You Wanted to Know

Numerous surveys have estimated that up to 70% of men are not satisfied with the size of their penis. So, rest assured you are not the only man who feels conscious how women judge your sexual performance because of an inadequate penis size.
Physiologically, the size of the penis does not limit the satisfaction for a man, a woman too can conceive normally, however from the point of view of satisfaction, a bigger penis size is said to bring her more satisfaction.
A few years ago, penis enlargement was a taboo subject and both men and women hesitated in discussing it, however, today the society has become more open towards sexuality. Men are ready to take treatments, pills and are even ready to go under the knife to increase the size of their penis in their bid to enhance sexual performance.

Penis enlargement products
With the growing fad among men to have a stronger, bigger penis - often associated with virility, the penis enlargement market is growing at a swift pace. The fast expanding market encompasses a whole range of penis enlargement products like herbal supplements, penis enlargement pumps, extenders, penis enlargement pills besides many people still make use of traditional techniques like stretching, weight hanging to increase the size of their penis.
Many men are also ready to pay for the expensive penis enlargement surgery to ensure better sexual performance.
While a plethora of penis products are available on the market men need to be cautious before choosing any one. Many products, especially those being sold over the internet try to lure people with attractive advertisements and "guaranteed results"are often only designed to play with people"s sentiments and dupe them of their money. Besides, a lot of fake herbal pills are available that have no scientific basis to make big claims for penis enhancements.
Please note that using uncertified penis products may be extremely dangerous. These may permanently damage your penis tissues. Some may cause irritation and swelling and give you a false impression of increased size. Be wary of all these dubious products. Do your research and use your own judgment before trying out any penis product.

Sunday, 28 April 2013

Three Natural Ways to Enlarge Your Penis - Indonesian Style

Three Natural Ways to Enlarge Your Penis - Indonesian Style

China and India may be known for their great methods to improve the length and girth of the male vital organ, but how about the other parts of the world? Surely, other countries also have their own distinct methods to enlarge one's penis size naturally. One country that has a unique way to do this is Indonesia. This country has distinguished methods that are hard to find in other places. Here are a few of methods used by Indonesians to enhance male vital organs.
1. Leech Oil
The leech (Hirudo medicinalis) is one nasty animal. It sticks its fang-like sucker to your skin and feeds on your blood until it is finally full. While sucking, leeches produces hirudin, a protein that prevents your blood from coagulating. This blood-sucking animal turns out to have a useful advantage towards the human body. In Indian Ayurvedic and Ancient Greek literature, the anticoagulant enzyme found in these hermaphrodite animals was used for bloodletting therapy to balance the four humors in the body (blood, phlegm, black, and yellow), thus promoting health. Meanwhile in Indonesia, especially in Java, leech oil is commonly used for enlarging the size of a male vital organ. It is believed that massaging your penis using warm leech oil for around 10 minutes daily will increase penis size permanently. Leech oil is made by cooking the leech and other herbs inside fresh green coconuts that are boiled over charcoals. While there are many types of leeches (most of them don't feed on human's blood, surprisingly), similar to Greek and Indian therapy, the Javanese only use the Hirudo medicinalis over other species.
2. Daun Bungkus Papua
Daun Bungkus Papua (meaning "Papuan wrapping leaf") is a plant indigenous to Papua, an Indonesian province at the border between Indonesia and its neighboring country Papua New Guinea. The leaves contain trachoma, which can trigger itching of the skin during contact. Wrapping the penis with the leaf is believed to be able to increase its length and girth in significant amounts and in a relatively short time. No massage or additional apparatus is required. The method of this treatment is easy. Make a thin film of coconut oil on the leaf's surface, wrap the penis with the leaf and cover it with a bandage. To avoid irritation, the bandage should be immediately removed if any hotness or itchiness occurs. The treatment should not be done every day. Do this once every two days at the most to give the penis chance to adjust to the change. With regular practice, Daun Bungkus Papua produces a larger penis, but it will also make the penile skin turn darker. In Indonesia itself, there have been no medical studies to prove the property of the leaf. Even experts are having problems to determine its Latin name. If not used carefully, Daun Bungkus Papua can irritate and trigger an infection of the penis.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Male Penis Enlargement - Some Rip - Off Male Penis Enlargement Methods

The male penis enlargement market has exploded in recent years. From a small niche market, male penis enlargement is now engaged in mainstream exposure.
It is 21 century now; sexual health dysfunctions and male penis enlargement are discussed more openly than before. More and more men are likely to spend their money in order to improve their sexual health.
Internet is full of ads for male penis enlargement products/programs. The sort of male penis enlargement products is quiet big. However, not all penis enlargement methods are acceptable, men should be aware of some penis enlargement scams.

Avoid these types of male penis enlargement methods:
Penis Enlargement Pumps
Penis pumps work by creating a vacuum around the penis to bring blood flow to the tissue. This can help men with extremely poor circulation to have an erection. Yet, there is no medically proven showed that it can increase in the size of penis permanently. Some men even find that using penis enlargement pump over a period may cause loss of erection. Their penises might need a pump for erection in this situation.
Penis Enlargement Surgery
A common way of penis enlargement surgery is about taking the body fat and injecting it into the penis. Your body fat is simply implanted in your penis. Awful! This does not cause noticeable change in length, although it can bring some different in girth. Of course we know that there are some physicians may recommend penis enlargement surgery; yet, this method does pose some serious risk such as infection. Moreover, this method is quite expensive either.
Be a smart consumer; always do a research before buying something. There are some guidelines you should learn when choosing which male penis enlargement method is right for you.

Friday, 19 April 2013

Does Penis Enlargement Cream Work?

Everyone giggles a little when talking about penis enlargement, but the fact is, humans have been fascinated by the idea of gigantic penises since the beginning of art. Early cave paintings featured gigantic penises on male figures, the Romans had the god Priapus (that would be something like Cock or Dick in English), and one tribe in Africa was practicing penis enlargement techniques as long as 2000 years ago. The question is, do enlargement techniques really work - and specifically, can penis enlargement cream make your penis bigger?

Penis Enlargement Creams and Pills: The Truth
Because sex studies are just lots of fun, there's been a surprisingly large amount of work on what penis enlargement techniques work. The consensus: there is no - I repeat, NO - pharmaceutical treatment that has been shown effective at penis enlargement. But think about it: if there were, your doctor could make a fortune by directing you to just the right cream, oil, or pill.
That doesn't mean there's no chance for you. There are dozens of techniques that DO help enlarge your penis, if you're willing to work for it. The main effective techniques are a massage technique called jelqing, the use of penis pumps, and kegel exercises.
Jelquing can be described as a modified form of masturbation, in which the jelquer "milks" blood into the head of the penis. In one study in the 1970s, a doctor found that using jelquing techniques increased penis size by an average of 1.4 inches in length and an inch in girth.
Penis pumps, while usually treated as a punch line, have also been shown to be effective when used properly and regularly. They work about the same way as jelquing - by stretching membranes and encouraging blood flow to feed new cells - and not surprisingly have roughly the same results.
Kegel exercises work a different way. They tone the muscles used to control urine flow, and have more than just enlargement benefits. Though the size boost you get won't be as big as with the other two exercises, properly-done kegel toning increases your stamina and the overall health of your pelvic area.
A caution: these exercises must be done properly. Incorrect exercise can cause severe damage and pain, from rashes and blisters to total impotence over time.

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Do Herbal Penis Enlargement Pills Really Work?

If you have been surfing the internet since the late 1990s you would have seen all sorts of adverts of pills claiming to enlarge your penis. But some of the questions that men interested in having a bigger penis usually ask are: which is the best herbal penis enlargement pill? How safe are these pills? Are there any side effects of penis enlargement pills? And where do you find an unbiased review of the herbal penis enhancement pills available in the market?
The annoying fact about most of the herbal penis enhancement pills in the market is that there are no independent trials to dispute or prove their claims of being able to increase your penis size. These companies have no excuse for not arranging a clinical trial to see if their herbal penis enhancement pill can deliver on their promise of adding some extra inches to the length and girth of a man's penis. After all most men would gladly sign up for such clinical trials if it were available.
Although there are a couple of companies that have carried independent clinical trials on their herbal penis pills, the vast majority of herbal penis enhancement pills in the market have no backing and purchasing such pills is at your own risk.

Most herbal penis enhancement pills do not in any way deliver on the promises made in their adverts. Most penis pills in the market are just a concoction of various herbs that are known for increasing blood flow to the penis and increasing your sex drive. This temporary increase in blood flowing to your penis and increased sex drive would deceive you in thinking that those pills actually work.
Even though a large number of men have duped by fraudulent merchants selling herbal penis enlargement pills, we hardly hear of any lawsuit against a marketer who makes outrageous claims of his herbal penis pill. Of course we can expect this, that's why these merchant rake millions of dollars in profit every year. Would you be willing to openly admit that you bought a fake herbal penis enlargement pill? Of course not!
But wait all hope is not lost for guys looking for a bigger penis! There are few herbal penis enlargement pills in the market that can actually guarantee you a bigger penis. Here comes the "BUT" you must combine them with a natural penis enlargement exercise program. These quality herbal penis pills give a natural penis enlargement exercise program as a bonus for buying their pills. And they strongly insist that the only way to permanently enlarge your penis is to use their pills in combination with these natural penis enlargement exercises.
Let me tell you the truth, these natural penis enlargement exercises work with or without these pills, but these pills help heal worn out penile tissues and speed up the amount of time it takes for you to see gains. One thing is clear using these herbal penis enhancement pills alone would not permanently enlarge your penis. And this is something that these honest companies openly admit, that's why they refer to their pills as a system that gives you a bigger penis. This means that you must combine their herbal penis pills with the natural penis enlargement exercises that they package with it.

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Penis Enlargement Tips For Men Of All Ages

If you had a bigger penis, then you would know how tremendously it would affect your love life. Having a bigger penis can do amazing things to your confidence, along with inspiring confidence in your partner about your performance. If you currently have a small penis, then you should know that there are things that you can do to improve the size of your penis in no time at all. In this article, we will talk about what these things are, and what doesn't work when it comes to increasing your penis size.

If you didn't already know, penis enlargement via natural means is real. There is something called "penis enlargement exercises" that work to increase the size of your penis. If I had the time to explain to you about the anatomy of the penis, you would be awe-struck about how exercises work to grow your penis. If you're wondering what the best form of enlargement is, then you should know that exercises is the way to go.
The reason pills don't work to increase your penis size is because all it does is increase blood flow to your penis. This temporarily makes it harder (more erect), but does absolutely nothing for size. Patches do the same thing as pills and they are even more ineffective. If you want to see gains and see it fast, then stick to penis enlargement exercises.
You should do your best to study about all the different kinds of penis enlargement exercises that there is. There are a ton of them out there, and with enough research, you can lengthen and grow your penis in no time at all. With penis enlargement exercises, you have a ton of benefits at your disposal.
The first benefit is that it's natural. You don't have to use any special creams or pumps that temporarily inflate your penis. Using pumps can be harmful, so you should stay away from using this kind of method to enlarge your penis. If you're thinking about surgery, then you should know that all kinds of threats exist to harm your penis size.
Some men who have used surgery as a way to increase their penis size became impotent, had a deformed looking penis, experienced painful erections, and encountered all sorts of problems that resulted from their surgery. If you want the safest and easiest way to enlarge your penis, stick to penis enlargement exercises.
Hopefully you will do your research and will try to read up about natural penis enlargement methods.

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Penis Enlargement Devices - Finding the Best One For You

If you are unhappy with your penis size it can interfere with your whole life. You'll find that you uncomfortable both in the bedroom and out of it, and not even the reassurances from your partner can necessarily help. An issue with penis size can pervade your life until you realize that action must be taken, but you might unsure as to where to start. What devices are right for you and how can you tell which ones are reputable? Remember that shopping for a penis enlargement device is just like shopping for anything else and that you deserve to get your money's worth!

Do your research when buying an enlargement device.
When you are considering purchasing a penis enlargement device, do your research. Find out which ones are recommended and which ones should be avoided. When you start looking through reviews, there is a good chance that you'll come away with a feeling of relief. Many men have share issues like these, and it can be a great feeling to know that you are not alone. When you hear the success stories, you'll also be encouraged to keep on looking and find the best penis enlargement device for you!
Looking for a good penis enlargement device can be like trying to find a needle in a haystack. There are many things to consider when buying an enlargement device, from comfort to build quality it can start to become mind boggling. The ideal option would be to look for a device that has everything, which is obviously easier said then done.
Tip's on buying an enlargement device.
Here is a list of features you should look for:
  1. Comfort - Make sure the device you choose has a comfort mechanism.
  2. Build - Opting for a well built enlargement device is essential.
  3. Guarantee - Make sure the device is guaranteed for at least 3 months!
  4. Bonus - Some of the top enlargement devices come with free access to enlargement exercise programs that can cost up to a hundred dollars. This is bonus can be extremely beneficial if you want to take a break from the device and try other techniques. You can even use both methods together for faster gains.
  5. Support - Lastly if you can get the company on the phone then the chances are they're legit. Make sure you the company you buy the enlargement device from has good customer support!

Monday, 15 April 2013

Prostate Health "Problem Avoiders"

If you are looking for ways to avoid problems with your prostate health, then this article will show you three quick, easy and 100% non-invasive (and painless) tips for getting the job done.
In fact, they may seem almost too simple.
And because of that, you may be tempted to write them off.
But these are all great ways to have optimal prostate health without having to do a lot of straining or stressing at all:

1. Daily Walk
Did you know walking can help keep your prostate healthy? It's true. Some studies have shown this to be the case and I think they are right on. Walking helps eliminate stress, gets your blood circulating and gets you breathing deeper. All of which are good for it (and your overall health).
2. Laughter
There is a Bible verse that more or less says laughter is great "medicine." It makes sense, too. For one thing, you can't really be angry or mad (or stressed out) when you're truly laughing. It also exercises your stomach, too. And, most importantly for men, it tends to make your body run "alkaline." A healthy body always runs slightly alkaline (versus acidic - like most people are).
3. Kegel Exercises
These are great for your prostate health (and your sex life, too). What these do is work out the muscle that controls your urination. (Many times people will do these to control pain from prostatitis symptoms, for example).
These three tips are definitely easy to do and take hardly any time at all.
Plus, they are free!
No fancy vitamins, supplements or gimmicks required.

Sunday, 14 April 2013

The Biggest Cause of Sexual Problems

Sexual problems are obviously very frustrating and need to be addressed to ensure a healthy sex life. Sex is an amazing part of life - whether most people are willing to admit it or not - and problems here will flow over into other aspects of your life and relationships. In the same regard problems in other areas will also manifest themselves in your sex life as well.
What causes sexual problems?
Most experts agree that the biggest cause of sexual problems is our own mind. In fact it's quite fascinating just how much our fear, worry, doubt, anxiety and other negative emotions can have on our bodies as well. Modern medicine is slowly starting to realize this and beginning to look for the root causes of a symptom rather than just covering it up with drugs.
So before you think that there's something wrong with your body or how you're wired... think again. The most likely cause is the way you feel about sex and your own body. These feelings might not even be conscious and are likely to have been planted into your unconscious mind from a very young age.
How beliefs are formed
I've commonly heard figures that as much as 70% of our beliefs are formed before the age of 7 and then that another 25% are formed before we leave the teenage years. This basically means that we are carrying around baggage and conclusions that were formed a very long time ago. It's also important to remember that beliefs do not come from facts... only the interpretation we put on the world which means many beliefs are completely unfounded.

For example let's say you grew up in a household where sex was not talked about openly and even considered dirty. This is going to form your beliefs about sex that you carry with you to this day. Obviously you have a different perspective on sex now but unless you dive into your unconscious mind and remove your limiting beliefs from childhood you're going to be fighting an internal battle every time you have sex.
How to remove your limiting beliefs
There are various schools of thought on how to remove limiting beliefs from hypnosis to Neural Linguistic Programming (NLP) and beyond. Different people will see different results but the principles are the same. For simplicities sake this could be described in a 3 step process:
1. Identify your limiting beliefs (often the hardest part of the process)
2. Questioning the validity of what you believe
3. Replace the old limiting belief with a new empowering belief
This may sound ridiculously simple but it's not quite as easy as it looks. Since you've been conditioning your mind for years using your old beliefs you might find that they are very engrained. Your mind can even fight you when you try to remove beliefs that you logically know aren't serving you.
Other ways your mind can cause sexual problems
Sexual problems can be caused by everyday stress and worry as well. Maybe it's a case of eliminating negative influences from your immediate life. However I believe that a lot of what we see on the surface is really caused by unconscious limiting beliefs.
I had a former girlfriend who was always stressed out at work and this greatly affected other areas of her life as well. While she liked to blame her boss and working conditions guess what happened when she changed jobs... she found the next job stressful all over again! Turns out this was a pattern with her and it wasn't about the job or work she was doing... it was her limiting beliefs due to unworthiness that made her work excessively hard and become stressed no matter what she did.
Only when she learns to deal with those unconscious limiting beliefs that keep telling her she's not good enough will she find balance and happiness in her life. She's still working on it and getting there slowly. These things can take time but I know if she keeps at it she'll experience an amazing life on the other side of it.

Sunday, 7 April 2013

Will Herbal Medicines Increase Sperm Count After a Vasectomy Reversal? Find Out!

One of the dilemmas for men who have had vasectomy reversal is how to get their partners pregnant. This is a major concern for couples who want to conceive soon after reversing vasectomy. Male infertility is often reflected in sperm count. To assess sperm viability, a semen analysis is required. Abnormalities in the parameters consequently mean lesser chance of conceiving a child, or in severe cases-impotence. Knowledge of this can be very frustrating to the couple. Even so, there are several ways to increase sperm count especially after vasectomy reversal. A much cheaper and safer remedy to stabilize the parameters is the use of herbal medicines.

Ginseng (Panax Ginseng)
Originally, elders from China used ginseng to improve their physical and mental vitality. Ginseng is helpful to increase testosterone and sperm count in men. However, according to studies, overdose of ginseng may result to hypertension, euphoria, insomnia, among others. After a vasectomy reversal, ask your vasectomy reversal vasectomy doctor for proper prescription of ginseng.
Maca(Lepidium Meyenii)
This herbal medicine normalizes steroid hormones such as testosterone, progesterone and estrogen. It is said that maca acts on men to enhance libido, or the desire for sexual drive. Studies concluded that maca has no adverse pharmacologic effects in the body. Maca intake after vasectomy reversal can increase your chance of pregnancy.
Saw Palmetto (Serenoa repens)
Worries of lowered sperm count after reversing vasectomy can be eased by intake of saw palmetto. This herbal medicine is said to increase overall male reproductive health.
Tribulus (Tribulus Terrestris)
Tribulus appears to increase libido and erectile function in men. Three studies in Bulgaria concluded that Tribulus increases sex hormones and testosterone levels. It also increases sperm concentration, sperm motility and viability. For a greater chance of fertility, post-vasectomy reversal patients may take Tribulus, as per noted by your doctor or your infertility specialist.
Astragalus (Astragalus membranaceus)
This Chinese herbal medicine is known to stimulate sperm motility. Studies show that Astragalus has no side effects known to human. Sarsaparilla
This herbal product is found in plants that have grown in swampy forest. This has been used for centuries to aid sexual impotence both in men and women.
Horny Goat Weed (Epimedium sagittatum)
It is said that this herb improves erectile dysfunction in men and increases sperm count. In general, herbal medicines have no remarkable side effects. However, proper consultation with your doctor is advised. If pregnancy is not attained yet after a long interval from reversing vasectomy, your doctor may refer you to an infertility specialist. Aside from herbal medicines, there are still several ways to increase fertility post-vasectomy reversal. Intake of healthy foods and lifestyle change will certainly boost the chance to father a child again.
Here are some ways to increase sperm viability after a reversal:
• Get proper rest.
• Sleep 6 to 8 hours continuously.
• Stop smoking and avoid exposure to second-hand smoke
• Exercise regularly but avoid lifting of heavy objects
• Avoid strenuous activities
• Stop alcohol intake
• Avoid wearing of tight underwear and tight jeans
• Meditate regularly to distress
• Rest between long hours of work
• Avoid exposure to environmental toxins

Friday, 5 April 2013

Penis Development - Top 5 Tips Using Simple Natural Exercises at Home

If you want to add more length and girth size to your penis, then it is important that you choose the safest possible way to ensure that your penis development is successful.
Most men are interested in male enlargement at some point in their lives. Men with a small or average penile size are becoming more aware that there are now methods available that can help them improve on their current size. The male enlargement market has developed rapidly and is now able to offer various male enlargement solutions.

However, with all the options for men to consider, it is essential that you have a clear understanding of what really works and what can give you the extra inches that you want easily. There are pills and patches on offer that do not increase penile size, they are only effective for getting harder erections. Which is why the advertisers of these products encourage men to buy a 3 - 6 months supply, the more you buy the more money they make.
In addition to pills there are some instruments such as extenders also known as penile stretchers that are supposed to be attached to your penis to make it bigger, these are largely ineffective and ridiculously expensive. Some men have even reported that the devices they bought have become rusty, this is likely to cause your manhood more damage than good.
Penile surgery is another method that some men choose, it does work, however it's very expensive and can be risky. If there are any complications then you will need to undergo more corrective surgery.
The natural penile enlargement exercises are now the preferred choice for most men. This is because they are 100% natural, and the cheapest method compared to all the others. It also happens to be the one method that medical experts consider to be the most effective way to increase the length and girth of penile size permanently. These exercises are offered as a natural penile enlargement exercise program.
Always check for the following before joining any penile enlargement program:
1. Check to see that they have 24/7 customer support for any questions you might have
2. The exercise program should offer simple, easy to follow instructions and videos that illustrate the exercises
3. Make sure the program offers lifetime access so you only pay once
4. See that you get access to members only site. This is important as you can learn from other members. It also helps you stay motivated as some other members would have already gained inches
5. Any good program should offer a 100% Money back guarantee
For your best penis development, then natural penile enlargement exercises is a method worth considering as you can perform the exercises in under 7 minutes a day to achieve your desired size. Many users of these programs start to see a noticeable difference in as little as 2 weeks, a more muscular and heavier feel to their penile size is the most common feedback.